Sunday, May 29, 2011
They say, "Live your life with no regrets".
But many of us just can't. Somehow.
I have a few regrets in my life -- big, small, or somewhere in the middle.
My biggest regret so far, is not spending more time with my late Dad, getting to know him better, having more father-and-son bonding activities. I regret hating my Dad in the past when I was still a young kid. I don't know why I dislike him, maybe it was due to me not understanding him better. I wasn't as sensible back then.
We always regret not cherishing our loved ones when they're still alive. It's always the case, sadly.
Another regret in my life was not continuing to sit for piano grade certifications. I sort of quit when I failed my Grade 6 practical exam. It was horrendous. I didn't really practise very hard for it! If I had, I would have had a Grade 8 certification 6 years ago. Probably even a Diploma should I carry on. I could have given private piano lessons and earning some part-time keep. And a good keep at that, too!
The next regret, is one that we always have in our education lives -- not studying hard enough for the exams. I really really have deep regrets for not mugging as hard as I should have been for this past semester. And as a result, dragging my GPA down, possibly my dream of going for overseas exchange even. I think I did quite well for my mid-terms, to be frank, but somehow I got distracted by the GE and other nonsensical stuff during the lead-up to the exams. Oh well, I can only blame myself right?
I need to reflect on what has gone wrong and formulate some concrete solutions to pull up my GPA to where it should be.
On a sidenote, the holidays are here and there are lots of things I wanna do but I just don't know where to start from. I wanna write some new songs too but I keep getting writer's block. Hooks and melodies constantly form in my head but there are no lyrics to fill them in! :(
I also wanna try whipping up some of my favourite dishes like seafood zuppa but I'm just too lazy to start. Wish I could be like Pravin who just bakes when he wants to!