Sunday, October 17, 2010

We R Who We R

Ok, I think there's a need to update. If not the blog's going stale.

And just to mention, the title of each post may or may not be of concern to the post's content. In case you're wondering sometimes if they actually do link.


Haha. Need to get that out.

Even though recess week means that there's gonna be a tsunami of mid-terms approaching, I'm still happy to have a break. And a kit-kat. Ok I'm lame. Whatever.

Ploughing through that HP802 assignment at the same time. Trying to complete a section per day. At this rate, I will hopefully finish it by......tomorrow?? I think that'll be a miracle because I'm currently slacking right now. And I do spend A LOT of time on a section. Each section takes about 400 words and I will take like up to 5 hours to perfect it. And that includes doing research for it, planning how to convey my ideas, and most importantly fit everything in about 400 words. 3 sections done, 2 left. And I haven't started yet.

Sigh. Recess week also means that the super dreaded exams are coming. Worried for all my modules.

Ok I guess I have to get back to my assignment now. If I'm ever gonna want it finished.