The wedding was a bore except for the dance sequence by the waiters and waitresses. Dessert was the best out of the entire menu.
Went to Marina Barrage with sec sch gang yesterday! First time there since I ran past it during the AHM 2008. And I haven't flown a kite for eons. Eons as in something like 12 years or so?
But it was still fun man. Haha. My favourite part was when all of us kinda bade farewell to Serene's kite as it flew far far away into the horizon...and get stuck onto a crane.
Oh and we got to spot many many different kites! The cuttlefish/octopus was quite popular, as were the Doraemons and the princess/mermaid which Serene had initially as well.
Tasted many different foods prepared by the gang! YF's salad, Pravin's cake, Serene's croissant, and I forgot the rest.
Lost Monopoly Deal AGAIN.
Now the back of my hands and my calves look like they were scalded by hot water. It was lucky I brought my cap along.
What a sweaty and sticky day. But it was awesome. :)