Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Don't Stop Believin'

Heard about the massive flood at Orchard which happened during my exam today. Saw the photos, it was crazy. Never seen anything that serious in a while. Especially at Orchard Road!

Hey, was that Wendy's?? So Wendy's took over Burger King. Now I know. But it got flooded. BK must be thinking, "Thank goodness we let out this outlet! Imagine the loss we would have suffered! And the clean-up!" Yes BK. Good for you. Poor Starbucks too.

Anyway, today's exam was alright. Basically puked out whatever I could. A few questions were not very well written but I still hope that I can do well.

I think flash mobs are cool. Browsed YouTube yesterday watching videos of flash mobs. Posted one on Facebook which I thought should happen in schools more often. Makes life more interesting. Then there's another kind, the freeze flash mob where people just freeze in whatever they're doing for 5 minutes or so. Here's one that I found which happened in Paris, involving about 3000 people. 3000!!! That's a huge number. I wonder how much planning went into this.